Data for ITS servicesOther CategoriesParking & Charging

Geforderte Datensegmente gemäß del. VO EU 2017/1926 (NetEx)

Die angeführten Dateien stellen einen Auszug der ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG-Daten des „Intermodales Verkehrsreferenzsystems Österreich ( -“ und der produktiven, maschinenlesbaren Anlagendatenbanken dar.

Die aktuellsten Daten mit Stand 11.12.2023 finden Sie in der Datei NetxXML_2024.ZIP. Die Metadatenbeschreibung finden Sie in der ZIP-Datei unter dem Namen Datenbeschreibung NeTEx_2024.pdf


Area covered: 


Network coverage: 

Rail (long-distance or heavy-rail)

Sämtliche Verkehrsttationen der ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG gemäß gültigem Fahrplan.

Transportation modes: 

Scheduled, rail (including high speed rail), conventional rail

Data Description or Sample Data: 

siehe Datensatz/Service Beschreibung

Quality description: 

siehe Datensatz/Service Beschreibung


According to delegated regulation: 

Parking & Charging, Parking information, Location of parking places and service areas (general parking), Cost of parking (general parking), Filling and charging stations, Location and conditions of charging points for electric vehicles, Data for ITS services, Dataset for service “Location search”, Address identifiers (building number, street name, postcode), Topographic places (city, town, village, suburb, administrative unit), Access Nodes: Identified access nodes (all scheduled modes), Access Nodes : Geometry/map layout structure of access nodes (all scheduled modes), Park & Ride stops, Car-sharing stations, Publicly accessible refuelling stations for petrol, diesel, CNG/LNG, hydrogen powered vehicles, charging stations for electric vehicles, Secure bike parking (such as locked bike garages), Dataset for service “Information service”, How to book car sharing, taxis, cycle hire etc. (incl. retail channels, fulfilment methods, payment methods), Where how to pay for car parking, public charging stations for electric vehicles and refuelling points for CNG/LNG, hydrogen, petrol and diesel powered vehicles (incl. retail channels, fulfilment methods, payment methods), Dataset for service “Trip plans”, Parameters needed to calculate an environmental factor such as carbon per vehicle type or passenger mile or per distance walked, Dataset for service “Trip plan computation”, Connection links where interchanges may be made, default transfer times between modes at interchanges, Network topology and routes/lines (topology), Planned interchanges between guaranteed scheduled services, Stop facilities access nodes (including platform information, help desks/information points, ticket booths, lifts/stairs, entrances and exit locations), Accessibility of access nodes, and paths within an interchange (such as existence of lifts, escalators), Existence of assistance services (such as existence of on-site assistance), Other Categories, Not included in the Delegated Regulations


Information details


Registered by: 
Data owner: 
License model: 
No licence – No contract
Partner portal:
10/12/2023 to 07/12/2024

Technical description

Content language: 
Publication structure: 
Data format – Grammar: 
Data format – Syntax: 
Data format – Encoding: 
Access interface: 
Update frequency: 
Up to yearly
Communication method: 