Laws and Standards

The ITS-Law in Austria

In December 2008 the European Commission (EC) published an “Action Plan for the Deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe” (ITS Action Plan). The aim of the Action Plan was to foster, accelerate and coordinate the deployment of ITS in road transport, including interfaces with other transport modes. In order to establish a framework for coordinated and effective deployment and use of ITS in Europe the EC adopted an ITS Directive in June 2010. This Directive was transposed into national legislation when Austria passed the national ‘IVS-Gesetz’ (ITS-law), which went into force in March 2013.

Priority Actions and Delegated Acts under Directive 2010/40/EU:

The ITS Directive established six ‚Priority Actions‘ for the deployment of specifications and sets binding implementation rules where needed.

The ITS Directive entitles the EC to define specifications in form of delegated acts for the Priority Actions (A-F).

A - Providing EU wide multimodal travel information services
B - Provision of EU-wide real-time traffic information services
C - Data and procedures for the provision, where possible, of road safety-related minimum universal traffic information free of charge to users
E - Provision of information services for safe and secure parking places for trucks and commercial vehicles

Data Standard and Data Compatibility

Based on the delegated acts and the aim of reaching a high data compatibility the DATEX II standard has to be used for all datasets provided, or at least a standard that is compatible with DATEX II has to be used.

EU Minimum Profile - EU Implementing Recommendation

The standards DATEX || and NeTEx meet the requirements of several areas and are sometimes very extensive. Minimum profiles have therefore been drawn up for the areas of delegated acts and implementation recommendations have been published.

A - Report: INSPIRE-MMTIS, overlap in standards related to the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/1926
A - Austrian national NeTEx Minimum Profile Download V1 PDF - Online Workfile
B/C - DATEX || usage in NAP's
B/C - DATEX || Profiles
E - General Guidance document


Coordinated Minimum Data Set

One result of NAPCORE is the new metadata specification for mobility data platforms mobilityDCAT-AP.

mobilityDCAT-AP is a formal metadata specification for mobility data mobility data portals as an extension of DCAT-AP. Ametadata specification (like any data specification) contains a model with definitions of the

with definitions of the syntax and semantics for various data data elements and how these data elements relate to each other.

to each other. In this way, mobilityDCAT-AP provides precise and unambiguous metadata designations for any mobility-related data offerings and enables harmonized, platform-independent metadata

metadata descriptions in both human-readable and machine-readable formats. uses version 1.1 in an adapted but compatible form.

The latest version and all further information can be found here: