About mobilitydata.gv.at
Mobilitydata.gv.at Austria – the National Access Point of Austria for mobility data
The Mobilitydata.gv.at platform serves as the National Access Point of Austria for mobility data. The platform is an implementation of the national ITS- law. It’s a centralised one-stop-shop to significantly simplify the connection of local data providers and international service providers by granting access to information on existing data and use conditions (metadata). In addition mobilitydata.gv.at is collecting truck parking data and transmitting it to the European truck parking access point. Mobilitydata.gv.at is managed and hosted by AustriaTech Ltd as neutral body. This project is co-financed by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA).
Tasks and Function of Mobilitydata Platform
Mobilitydata.gv.at provides the possibility to present information about datasets (metadata) of public or private organisations and companies. As the Mobilitydata.gv.at platform is an implementation of the ITS directive, the metadata published is only those listed in the directive and its delegated regulations.
The presentation and description of datasets on Mobilitydata.gv.at is reducing the personnel resources that data providers needed before to answer questions and requests concerning their datasets, accessibility and metadata information. It also helps service providers to improve the data quality of services.
Data providers can use Mobilitydata.gv.at as simple data store for pull operations. Next to just metadata information data providers can upload complete datasets and have the possibility to save costs for own IT infrastructure and web applications. The cooperation with local data portals like Opendataportal.at and Data.gv.at ensures a maximum spread of information. The terms of use of these platforms have to be considered.