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Scheduled Public transportSharing and Hiring Services


Die App "ummadum" ist eine Mitfahrbörse in der Fahrten angeboten beziehungsweise Mitfahrgelegenheiten gesucht werden können.

Marktgemeinde Wattens | Car-sharing Availability | Car-sharing locations and stations | Passenger classes | Payment methods | Tiroler Unterland | Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen | Bundes- und Landesstraßen | Stadt und Gemeindestraßen | Straßennetzwerk
Filling and charging stationsScheduled Public transportSharing and Hiring Services

floMOBIL- eCarsharing

Vorteile eCarsharing:

Umwelt schonen – die eAutos tanken Ökostrom und verursachen dadurch beim Fahren keine schädlichen Abgase
Geld sparen – man muss kein Fahrzeug teuer kaufen oder Reparaturen bezahlen
Einfach mobil sein – eAuto in der App buchen, einsteigen, losfahren

Marktgemeinde Wattens | Car-sharing Availability | Car-sharing locations and stations | Environmental standards for vehicles | Location and conditions of charging points | Passenger classes | Payment methods | Tiroler Unterland | Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen | Bundes- und Landesstraßen | Stadt und Gemeindestraßen | Straßennetzwerk
Cycle network dataFilling and charging stationsGeneral information for trip planningParking, service and rest area informationPedestrian network dataScheduled Public transportSharing and Hiring ServicesToll information

tim-Zentralraum-Carsharing in Feldkirchen bei Graz, Lastenradsharing und umweltfreundliche Mobilität

Tim-Zentralraum Carsharing Standortinformation

Marktgemeinde Feldkirchen bei Graz | Address identifiers | Availability of charging points for electric vehicles | Availability of filling stations | Basic commercial conditions | Basic common standard fares | Bike-hiring Availability | Bike-parking locations | Bike-sharing Availability | Bike-sharing locations and stations | Car parking availability | Car-sharing Availability | Car-sharing locations and stations | Common fare products | Connection links | Disruptions, delays, cancellations | Environmental standards for vehicles | Hours of operation | Location and conditions of charging points | Network closures/diversions | Network detailed attributes | Network geometry and lane character | Network topology and routes/lines | Operational calendar | Park and Ride stops | Passenger classes | Payment methods | Payment methods for tolls | Pedestrian accessibility facilities | Pedestrian network geometry | Planned interchanges between scheduled services | Points of interest | Purchase information | Real-time estimated departure and arrival times | Special Fare Products | Stop facilities geometry and map layout | Stop facilities location and features | Stop facilities status of features | Timetables static | Topographic places | Transport operators | Vehicle details | Österreich | Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen | Bundes- und Landesstraßen | Stadt und Gemeindestraßen | Straßennetzwerk
