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Freight & TollingParking & ChargingRoad networkTraffic datatraffic restrictions

TomTom Map API

When you build with TomTom Maps APIs and map data sets, you build with a partner that combines three decades of mapping experience with the speed and soul of a start-up. We’re proud of our roots, and we never stop looking ahead – working together with you to bring the best, freshest map data and tech to people all over the world.

TomTom | Accidents and incidents | Animal, people, obstacle, debris on the road | Availability of charging points for electric vehicles | Availability of delivery areas | Availability of parking places (general parking) | Bridge access conditions | Bridge closures | Cost of parking (general parking) | Current availability of parking places (truck parking) | Direction of travel on reversible lanes | Dynamic access conditions for bridges | Dynamic access conditions for tunnels | Dynamic overtaking bans on heavy goods vehicles | Dynamic Speed limits | Estimated travel times | Exceptional weather conditions | Expected delays | Freight delivery regulations | Geometry | Gradients | Identification of tolled roads, Fixed road user charges and available payment methods | Junctions | Lane closures | Location and conditions of charging points for electric vehicles | Location and conditions of compressed natural gas, liquefied naturalgas, liquefied petroleum gas stations | Location and conditions of parking places and service areas (truck parking) | Location of delivery areas | Location of parking places and service areas (general parking) | Location of tolling stations | locations of queues | Number of lanes | Other traffic regulations | Permanent access restrictions | Poor road conditions | Reduced visibility | Road classification | Road closures | Road width | Road Works | Short term road works | Speed | Speed limits | Temporary slippery road | temporary traffic management measures or plans | Traffic circulation plans | Traffic management plans | Traffic volume | Travel times | Tunnel access conditions | Tunnel closure | Unmanaged blockage of a road | Unprotected accident area | Variable road user charges and available payment methods | Waiting time at border crossings to non-EU Member States | Weather conditions affecting road surface and visibility | Wrong-way driver | Inkl. Grenzgebiet | Österreich | Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen | Bundes- und Landesstraßen | Stadt und Gemeindestraßen | Straßennetzwerk
Parking & Charging

Kurzparkzonen / Parkraumbewirtschaftete Zonen in Österreich (XML)

Kurzparkzonen / parkraumbewirtschaftete Zonen (detaillierte Polygon-Darstellung)

verfügbare Attribute:
- Gültigkeitszeiten
- max. Parkdauer
- Preise
- Bezahlmöglichkeiten und verfügabre Payment Provider
- Ausnahmen

- Weiterführende Links

Abdeckung (Stand April 2023): 56 Städte

ÖAMTC | Availability of parking places (general parking) | Cost of parking (general parking) | Location of parking places and service areas (general parking) | Österreich | Stadt und Gemeindestraßen