Berg- und Passstraßen aktuelle Befahrbarkeit (Öst. und angrenzendes Ausland)
Name, Streckenverlauf
Eignung für Wohnwagen-Gespanne
Straßenbeschaffenheit, Seehöhe, Steigung (in %) in Prozent
dynmaische Informationen: aktive Schneekettenpflicht, Wintersperre, Baustellen, Veranstaltungen etc.
Bereitstellung via API, oAuth2-Identifizierung, Datenformat JSON
Roadnetwork, Motorways, Regional roads, Urban and local roads
Data Description or Sample Data:
JSON-Schema in Anlage 1 des Mustervertrages enthalten (siehe unten)
Quality description:
Ca. 160 Datensätze, Aktualisierung Stammdaten 1 x pro Jahr, dynamische Daten alle 5 Min.
Sämtliche Inhalte stammen von autorisierten Behörden (Infrastrukturbetreiber, BMI etc.), zusätzlich laufende (teil-) manuelle Überprüfung der dynamischen Inhalte auf Aktualität, Redundanzen etc,
Cycle network data, Network closures/diversions, Static traffic signs and regulations, Tunnel access conditions, Bridge access conditions, Speed limits, Permanent access restrictions, Other traffic regulations, Traffic circulation plans, Toll information, Location of tolling stations, Identification of tolled roads, Applicable road user charges and payment methods, Payment methods for tolls, Availability of filling stations, Dynamic traffic signs and regulations, Road closures and access conditions, Lane closures and access conditions, Bridge closures and access conditions, Tunnel closures and access conditions, Dynamic overtaking bans on heavy goods vehicles, Dynamic Speed limits, Direction of travel on reversible lanes, Other temporary traffic management measures or plans, Road work information, Short-term road works, Long-term road works, Road events and conditions, Accidents and incidents, Poor road conditions, Road weather conditions, Real-time traffic data, Traffic volume, Speed, Location and length of queues, Current travel times, Predicted travel times, Expected delays, Waiting time at border crossings to non-EU Member States, Scheduled Public transport, Stop facilities status of features, Disruptions, delays, cancellations, Passenger classes, Common fare products, Special Fare Products, Basic commercial conditions, Purchase information, Payment methods, Filling and charging stations, Sharing and Hiring Services
Bergstraßen, Pässe, Schneeketten, Wintersperren, Straßenzustand
Information details
Technical description