Data for ITS servicesTraffic datatraffic restrictions

Verkehrsinformationen: Geplante und ungeplante Ereignismeldungen (Geo JSON)

Abdeckung: Österreich (gesamtes Straßennetz, FRC0-FRC6)
Kategorien der Ereignismeldungen:
- Geplant (Baustellen, Veranstaltungen)
(sonstige geplante) Verkehrsbehinderung
- Ungeplant (Unfälle, Staus, Wartezeiten, Elementarereignisse)
Stau (inkl. Grenzwartezeit)
(sonstige ungeplante) Verkehrsbehinderung
Daten-Aktualisierung: 24/7, alle 5 min.
Format: Geo JSON (RFC-7946)

Straßennetzwerk, Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen, Bundes- und Landesstraßen, Stadt und Gemeindestraßen, Andere

Alle Straßen FRC0 bis FRC4

Individualverkehr, Pkw, LKW, Motorrad, Fahrrad, Fußgänger


Area covered: 


Network coverage: 

Roadnetwork, Motorways, Regional roads, Urban and local roads

Transportation modes: 

Personal, car, truck, motorcycle, cycle, pedestrian

Data Description or Sample Data: 

Geo JSON, Schema in Anahng 1 der Mustervereinbarung (siehe unten) enthalten

Quality description: 

Primärquellen der Daten sind ausschließlich autorisierte Stellen (Infrastrukturbetreiber, Exekutive).

Alle eingehenden Daten werden (teil-) automatisiert auf Plausibilität, Redundanz zu anderen Meldungen sowie inhaltlich und verortungstechnisch geprüft. Zusätzlich Abgleich der Stau- und Sperr-Informationen mit Verkehrsflussdaten (generiert aus FCD). Daneben erfolgen in regelmäßigen Intervallen, detaillierte Qualitätsauswertungen.


According to delegated regulation: 

Traffic data, Real-time traffic data, Traffic volume, Speed, locations of queues, Travel times, Waiting time at border crossings to non-EU Member States, Estimated travel times, Expected delays, traffic restrictions, Traffic regulations and identifying dangers, Tunnel access conditions, Bridge access conditions, Speed limits, Permanent access restrictions, Other traffic regulations, Traffic circulation plans, Traffic management plans, Dynamic access information, Road closures, Lane closures, Bridge closures, Tunnel closure, Dynamic overtaking bans on heavy goods vehicles, Dynamic Speed limits, Direction of travel on reversible lanes, Dynamic access conditions for bridges, Dynamic access conditions for tunnels, temporary traffic management measures or plans, Road status, Road Works, Poor road conditions, Weather conditions affecting road surface and visibility, Accidents and incidents, Safety-related traffic information, Temporary slippery road, Animal, people, obstacle, debris on the road, Unprotected accident area, Reduced visibility, Short term road works, Wrong-way driver, Unmanaged blockage of a road, Exceptional weather conditions, Data for ITS services, Dataset for service “Information service”, Passenger classes (classes of user such as adult, child, student, veteran, impaired access and qualifying conditions and classes of travel such as 1st, 2nd.), Common fare products (access rights such as zone/point-to-point including daily and weekly tickets/single/return, eligibility of access, basic usage conditions such as validity period/operator/time of travel/interchanging, standard point to point fares pr, Special Fare Products: offers with additional special conditions such as promotional fares, group fares, season passes, aggregated products combining different products and add on products such as parking and travel, minimum stay, Basic commercial conditions such as refunding/replacing/exchanging/transferring and basic booking conditions such as purchase windows, validity periods, routing restrictions zonal sequence fares, minimum stay., Where and how to buy tickets for scheduled modes, demand responsive modes and car parking (all scheduled modes and demand-responsive incl. retail channels, fulfilment methods, payment methods), How to pay tolls (incl. retail channels, fulfilment methods, payment methods), How to book car sharing, taxis, cycle hire etc. (incl. retail channels, fulfilment methods, payment methods), Where how to pay for car parking, public charging stations for electric vehicles and refuelling points for CNG/LNG, hydrogen, petrol and diesel powered vehicles (incl. retail channels, fulfilment methods, payment methods), Dataset for service “Dynamic Information service”, Availability of publicly accessible charging stations for electric vehicles and refuelling points for CNG/LNG, hydrogen, petrol and diesel powered vehicles

User tags: 

Verkehrsinformation, Ereignismeldungen, traffic data, TMC Data


Information details


Registered by: 
Data owner: 
License model: 
Contract and Fee
Partner portal: 
no external usage
25/04/2024 to 24/04/2025

Technical description

Content language: 
Publication structure: 
Data format – Grammar: 
JSON Schema
Data format – Syntax: 
Data format – Encoding: 
Access interface: 
Update frequency: 
Up to 5min
Communication method: 