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Real-time traffic data

Verkehrslage Prognose (EVIS.AT)

Prognose (15min bis 4 Stunden) von Verkehrslage, Level Of Service und Reisezeit aus der Kooperation EVIS.AT flächendeckend für die wesentlichen Straßen in ganz Österreich.

ASFINAG | Current travel times | Expected delays | Location and length of queues | Predicted travel times | Speed | Traffic volume | Waiting time at border crossings to non-EU Member States | Österreich | Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen | Bundes- und Landesstraßen | Stadt und Gemeindestraßen | Straßennetzwerk
Dynamic traffic signs and regulationsFilling and charging stationsReal-time traffic dataRoad events and conditionsRoad work informationScheduled Public transportSharing and Hiring ServicesStatic traffic signs and regulationsToll information

Verkehrsinformationen: Geplante und ungeplante Ereignismeldungen (Geo JSON)

Abdeckung: Österreich (gesamtes Straßennetz, FRC0-FRC6)
Kategorien der Ereignismeldungen:
- Geplant (Baustellen, Veranstaltungen)
(sonstige geplante) Verkehrsbehinderung
- Ungeplant (Unfälle, Staus, Wartezeiten, Elementarereignisse)

ÖAMTC | Accidents and incidents | Availability of filling stations | Basic commercial conditions | Bridge access conditions | Bridge closures and access conditions | Common fare products | Current travel times | Direction of travel on reversible lanes | Dynamic overtaking bans on heavy goods vehicles | Dynamic Speed limits | Expected delays | Lane closures and access conditions | Location and length of queues | Long-term road works | Other temporary traffic management measures or plans | Other traffic regulations | Passenger classes | Payment methods | Payment methods for tolls | Permanent access restrictions | Poor road conditions | Predicted travel times | Purchase information | Road closures and access conditions | Road weather conditions | Short-term road works | Special Fare Products | Speed | Speed limits | Traffic circulation plans | Traffic volume | Tunnel access conditions | Tunnel closures and access conditions | Waiting time at border crossings to non-EU Member States | Österreich | Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen | Bundes- und Landesstraßen | Stadt und Gemeindestraßen | Straßennetzwerk
Dynamic traffic signs and regulationsReal-time traffic dataRoad events and conditionsRoad work informationStatic traffic signs and regulations

Verkehrsinformationen: Geplante und ungeplante Ereignismeldungen (DATEX II)

Abdeckung: Österreich (gesamtes Straßennetz, FRC0-FRC4)
Kategorien der Ereignismeldungen:
- Geplant (Baustellen, Veranstaltungen)
   (sonstige geplante) Verkehrsbehinderung
- Ungeplant (Unfälle, Staus, Wartezeiten, Elementarereignisse)

ÖAMTC | Accidents and incidents | Bridge access conditions | Bridge closures and access conditions | Direction of travel on reversible lanes | Dynamic overtaking bans on heavy goods vehicles | Dynamic Speed limits | Lane closures and access conditions | Location and length of queues | Long-term road works | Other access restrictions and traffic regulations | Other temporary traffic management measures or plans | Other traffic regulations | Permanent access restrictions | Poor road conditions | Road closures and access conditions | Road weather conditions | Speed limits | Traffic circulation plans | Traffic volume | Tunnel access conditions | Tunnel closures and access conditions | Österreich | Andere | Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen | Bundes- und Landesstraßen | Stadt und Gemeindestraßen | Straßennetzwerk
Dynamic traffic signs and regulationsParking, service and rest area informationReal-time traffic dataRoad events and conditionsRoad work informationStatic road network data

ORF Verkehrsinformation

Meldungs-ID, Version, Meldungs-Typ, Erstellungsdatum, Aktualisierungsdatum,Gültig von, Gültig bis, Quelle, Status, Basis DATEX, Event,Text,Strasse,Von,Bis, Richtung, Longitude, Latitude, Meldungen von Straße und Schiene (ÖV)

ORF/OE3 Verkehrsredaktion | Accidents and incidents | Bridge closures and access conditions | Car parking locations and conditions | Current travel times | Direction of travel on reversible lanes | Dynamic overtaking bans on heavy goods vehicles | Expected delays | Lane closures and access conditions | Location and length of queues | Long-term road works | Number of lanes | Other temporary traffic management measures or plans | Poor road conditions | Predicted travel times | Road classification | Road closures and access conditions | Road weather conditions | Short-term road works | Speed | Traffic data at border crossings to third countries | Traffic volume | Tunnel closures and access conditions | Waiting time at border crossings to non-EU Member States | Inkl. Grenzgebiet | Österreich | Andere Öffentliche Verkehrsnetzwerke | Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen | Bundes- und Landesstraßen | Stadt und Gemeindestraßen | Stadt- und U-Bahn