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Dynamic access informationDynamic traffic signs and regulationsReal-time traffic dataRoad events and conditionsRoad work informationStatic traffic signs and regulations

TomTom Intermediate Traffic Service

We developed TomTom Intermediate Traffic to deliver detailed, real-time traffic content to business customers who integrate it into their own applications. Target customers for TomTom Intermediate Traffic include automotive OEMs, web and application developers and governments. We deliver bulk traffic flow information that provides a comprehensive view of the entire road network.

TomTom | Accidents and incidents | Bridge access conditions | Bridge closures and access conditions | Bridge closures and access conditions | Current travel times | Direction of travel on reversible lanes | Dynamic overtaking bans on heavy goods vehicles | Dynamic Speed limits | Expected delays | Lane closures and access conditions | Location and length of queues | Long-term road works | Other temporary traffic management measures or plans | Other traffic regulations | Permanent access restrictions | Poor road conditions | Predicted travel times | Road closures and access conditions | Road weather conditions | Short-term road works | Speed | Speed limits | Traffic circulation plans | Traffic volume | Tunnel access conditions | Tunnel closures and access conditions | Tunnel closures and access conditions | Waiting time at border crossings to non-EU Member States | Österreich | Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen | Bundes- und Landesstraßen | Stadt und Gemeindestraßen | Straßennetzwerk
Dynamic traffic signs and regulationsReal-time traffic dataRoad events and conditionsRoad work informationStatic traffic signs and regulations

Verkehrsinformationen: Geplante und ungeplante Ereignismeldungen (DATEX II)

Abdeckung: Österreich (gesamtes Straßennetz, FRC0-FRC4)
Kategorien der Ereignismeldungen:
- Geplant (Baustellen, Veranstaltungen)
   (sonstige geplante) Verkehrsbehinderung
- Ungeplant (Unfälle, Staus, Wartezeiten, Elementarereignisse)

ÖAMTC | Accidents and incidents | Bridge access conditions | Bridge closures and access conditions | Direction of travel on reversible lanes | Dynamic overtaking bans on heavy goods vehicles | Dynamic Speed limits | Lane closures and access conditions | Location and length of queues | Long-term road works | Other access restrictions and traffic regulations | Other temporary traffic management measures or plans | Other traffic regulations | Permanent access restrictions | Poor road conditions | Road closures and access conditions | Road weather conditions | Speed limits | Traffic circulation plans | Traffic volume | Tunnel access conditions | Tunnel closures and access conditions | Österreich | Andere | Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen | Bundes- und Landesstraßen | Stadt und Gemeindestraßen | Straßennetzwerk
Dynamic traffic signs and regulationsParking, service and rest area informationReal-time traffic dataRoad events and conditionsRoad work informationStatic road network data

ORF Verkehrsinformation

Meldungs-ID, Version, Meldungs-Typ, Erstellungsdatum, Aktualisierungsdatum,Gültig von, Gültig bis, Quelle, Status, Basis DATEX, Event,Text,Strasse,Von,Bis, Richtung, Longitude, Latitude, Meldungen von Straße und Schiene (ÖV)

ORF/OE3 Verkehrsredaktion | Accidents and incidents | Bridge closures and access conditions | Car parking locations and conditions | Current travel times | Direction of travel on reversible lanes | Dynamic overtaking bans on heavy goods vehicles | Expected delays | Lane closures and access conditions | Location and length of queues | Long-term road works | Number of lanes | Other temporary traffic management measures or plans | Poor road conditions | Predicted travel times | Road classification | Road closures and access conditions | Road weather conditions | Short-term road works | Speed | Traffic data at border crossings to third countries | Traffic volume | Tunnel closures and access conditions | Waiting time at border crossings to non-EU Member States | Inkl. Grenzgebiet | Österreich | Andere Öffentliche Verkehrsnetzwerke | Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen | Bundes- und Landesstraßen | Stadt und Gemeindestraßen | Stadt- und U-Bahn
Real-time traffic data

ASFINAG Verkehrslage

Verkehrslage auf dem österreichischen Autobahn- und Schnellstraßennetz

ASFINAG | Current travel times | Traffic volume | Österreich | Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen
